Source code for aitoolbox.torchtrain.train_loop.components.pred_collate_fns

import torch

[docs]def append_predictions(y_batch, predictions): """ Args: y_batch (torch.Tensor): predictions for the new batch predictions (list): accumulation list where all the batched predictions are appended Returns: list: predictions list with the new tensor appended """ predictions.append(y_batch) return predictions
[docs]def append_concat_predictions(y_batch, predictions): """ Args: y_batch (torch.Tensor or list): predictions (list): accumulation list where all the batched predictions are added Returns: list: predictions list with the new tensor appended """ if isinstance(y_batch, list): predictions += y_batch else: predictions.append(y_batch) return predictions
[docs]def torch_cat_transf(predictions): """PyTorch concatenation of the given list of tensors Args: predictions (list): expects a list of torch.Tensor Returns: torch.Tensor: concatenated tensor made up of provided smaller tensors """ return
[docs]def keep_list_transf(predictions): """Identity transformation of the predictions keeping them as they were Args: predictions (list): list of predictions Returns: list: returns unaltered list of predictions """ return predictions