Automatic Mixed Precision Training

All the TrainLoop versions also support training with Automatic Mixed Precision (AMP). In the past this required using the Nvidia apex extension but from PyTorch 1.6 onwards AMP functionality is built into core PyTorch and no separate instalation is needed. Current version of AIToolbox already supports the use of built-in PyTorch AMP.

The user only has to set the TrainLoop parameter use_amp to use_amp=True in order to use the default AMP initialization and start training the model in the mixed precision mode. If the user wants to specify custom AMP GradScaler initialization parameters, these should be provided as a dict parameter use_amp={'init_scale': 2.**16, 'growth_factor': 2.0, ...} to the TrainLoop. All AMP initializations and training related steps are then handled automatically by the TrainLoop.

You can read more about different AMP details in the PyTorch AMP documentation.

Single-GPU mixed precision training

Example of single-GPU AMP setup:

from aitoolbox.torchtrain.train_loop import *

train_loader = DataLoader(...)
val_loader = DataLoader(...)
test_loader = DataLoader(...)

model = CNNModel()  # TTModel based neural model

optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.001, betas=(0.9, 0.999))
criterion = nn.NLLLoss()

tl = TrainLoop(model,
               train_loader, val_loader, test_loader,
               optimizer, criterion,

model =

Check out a full AMP single-GPU training example.

Multi-GPU DDP mixed precision training

When training in the multi-GPU setting, the setup is mostly the same as in the single-GPU. All the user has to do is set accordingly the use_amp parameter of the TrainLoop and to switch its gpu_mode parameter to 'ddp'. Under the hood, TrainLoop will initialize the model and the optimizer for AMP and start training using DistributedDataParallel approach.

Example of multi-GPU AMP setup:

from aitoolbox.torchtrain.train_loop import *

train_loader = DataLoader(...)
val_loader = DataLoader(...)
test_loader = DataLoader(...)

model = CNNModel()  # TTModel based neural model

optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.001, betas=(0.9, 0.999))
criterion = nn.NLLLoss()

tl = TrainLoop(model,
               train_loader, val_loader, test_loader,
               optimizer, criterion,

model =,
               num_nodes=1, node_rank=0, num_gpus=torch.cuda.device_count())

Check out a full AMP multi-GPU DistributedDataParallel training example.