Result Package

Result Package found in aitoolbox.experiment.result_package defines a set of evaluation metrics that are used for the performance evaluation of the model on a certain ML task. For example, in the simple classification task, the corresponding result package would include metrics such as accuracy, F1 score, ROC-AUC and PR-AUC. Result packages can thus be thought of as wrappers around a set of evaluation metrics commonly used for different ML tasks.

The same as for all other components of aitoolbox.experiment module, when it comes to the usage of result packages, they can be either used in a standalone manually executed fashion for any kind of ML experiment evaluation. On the other hand, result packages can also be used in unison with the TrainLoop model training engine from the aitoolbox.torchtrain. There, the result package assumes the role of the evaluation recipe for a certain ML task. By providing the result package to the TrainLoop the user informs it how to automatically evaluate the model performance during or at the end of the training process.

Using Result Packages

Result Package implementations can be found in the aitoolbox.experiment.result_package. AIToolbox already comes with result packages for various popular ML tasks included out of the box. These can be found in the aitoolbox.experiment.result_package.basic_packages.

Result Package with torchtrain TrainLoop

When using result packages as part of TrainLoop supported training there are two main use-cases: as part of the aitoolbox.torchtrain.callbacks.performance_eval.ModelPerformanceEvaluation callback which optionally performs the model performance evaluation during the training, e.g. after each epoch, and on the other hand as part of the “EndSave” TrainLoop which automatically evaluates model’s performance based on the provided result package at the end of the training.

from aitoolbox.torchtrain.train_loop import *
from aitoolbox.experiment.result_package.basic_packages import ClassificationResultPackage
from aitoolbox.torchtrain.callbacks.performance_eval import \
    ModelPerformanceEvaluation, ModelPerformancePrintReport

hyperparams = {
    'lr': 0.001,
    'betas': (0.9, 0.999)

model = CNNModel()  # TTModel based neural model

train_loader = DataLoader(...)
val_loader = DataLoader(...)
test_loader = DataLoader(...)

optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=hyperparams['lr'], betas=hyperparams['betas'])
criterion = nn.NLLLoss()

callbacks = [ModelPerformanceEvaluation(ClassificationResultPackage(), hyperparams,
                                        on_train_data=True, on_val_data=True),
             ModelPerformancePrintReport(['train_Accuracy', 'val_Accuracy'])]

tl = TrainLoopCheckpointEndSave(
    train_loader, val_loader, test_loader,
    optimizer, criterion,

model =

Standalone Result Package Use

As mentioned above, result packages are completely independent from TrainLoop engine and can thus also be used for a standalone model performance evaluation, even when not dealing with PyTorch models

from aitoolbox.experiment.result_package.basic_packages import BinaryClassificationResultPackage

y_true = ...  # ground truth labels
y_predicted = ...  # predicted by the model

result_pkg = BinaryClassificationResultPackage()
result_pkg.prepare_result_package(y_true, y_predicted)

# get the results dict with performance results of all the metrics in the result package
performance_results = result_pkg.get_results()

Implementing New Result Packages

Although AIToolbox already provides result packages for certain ML tasks sometimes the user wants do define a novel or unsupported performance evaluation metrics to properly evaluate the ML task at hand. The creation of new result packages in AIToolbox is supported and can be done very easily.

The new result package can be implemented as a new class which is inheriting from the base abstract result package aitoolbox.experiment.result_package.abstract_result_packages.AbstractResultPackage and implements the abstract method prepare_results_dict().

Inside the prepare_results_dict() the user needs to implement the logic to evaluate the performance on desired performance metrics forming the result package. In order to perform the evaluation the predicted and ground truth values are normally needed. These are inserted into the package at run time (via prepare_result_package()) and exposed inside the result package via: self.y_true and self.y_predicted attributes. Logic inside the which the user needs to define, prepare_results_dict() should access the values in y_true and y_predicted, pass them through the desired performance metrics computations and return the results in the dict form. Inside the returned dict, keys should represent the evaluated metric names and values the corresponding evaluated performance metric values.

The performance metric computation as part of the result package can be directly implemented inside the result package class in the prepare_results_dict() method. However, especially in the case of more complex performance metric logic in order to ensure better reusability of the implemented metrics as well as more readable and structured code of the developed result packages it is common practice in the AIToolbox to implement performance metrics as a separate specialized metric class. This way the result packages become a lightweight wrappers around the selected performance metrics while the actual performance metric logic and calculation is done as part of the metric object instead of being done in the encapsulating result package. To learn more about the AIToolbox performance metric use and implementations have a look at the Result Metric documentation section.

Example or Result Package using AIToolbox Result Metric

from aitoolbox.experiment.result_package.abstract_result_packages import AbstractResultPackage
from aitoolbox.experiment.core_metrics.classification import \
    AccuracyMetric, ROCAUCMetric, PrecisionRecallCurveAUCMetric

class ExampleClassificationResultPackage(AbstractResultPackage):
    def __init__(self):
        AbstractResultPackage.__init__(self, pkg_name='ExampleClassificationResult')

    def prepare_results_dict(self):
        accuracy_result = AccuracyMetric(self.y_true, self.y_predicted)
        roc_auc_result = ROCAUCMetric(self.y_true, self.y_predicted)
        pr_auc_result = PrecisionRecallCurveAUCMetric(self.y_true, self.y_predicted)

        return accuracy_result + roc_auc_result + pr_auc_result

Example of Result Package with Direct Performance Metric Calculation

from aitoolbox.experiment.result_package.abstract_result_packages import AbstractResultPackage
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, roc_auc_score, precision_recall_curve, auc

class ExampleClassificationResultPackage(AbstractResultPackage):
    def __init__(self):
        AbstractResultPackage.__init__(self, pkg_name='ExampleClassificationResult')

    def prepare_results_dict(self):
        accuracy = accuracy_score(self.y_true, self.y_predicted)
        roc_auc = roc_auc_score(self.y_true, self.y_predicted)

        precision, recall, thresholds = precision_recall_curve(self.y_true, self.y_predicted)
        pr_auc = auc(recall, precision)

        return {'accuracy': accuracy, 'roc_auc': roc_auc, 'pr_auc': pr_auc}