Train Loop

TrainLoop inside module aitoolbox.torchtrain.train_loop.train_loop is at the core of and most important component of the entire AIToolbox package.

Common to all available TrainLoops is the PyTorch model training loop engine which automatically handles the deep learning training process. As part of this it does the batch feeding of data into the model, calculating loss and updating parameters for a specified number of epochs.

torchtrain and by extension TrainLoop has been designed with the ease of use in mind. One of the main design principles was to keep as much training code as possible exactly the same as would be used in normally PyTorch. Consequently, the user can define the dataset, dataloader and models in exactly the same way as it would be done when training directly with core PyTorch. Having no need to modify the definitions of common PyTorch training components in order to use torchtrain makes it very user-friendly and allows the user to apply torchtrain directly to projects which initially weren’t even coded with AIToolbox in mind.

To train the model, all the user has to do is provide the TrainLoop with the model, train / validation / test dataloaders, loss function and the optimizer. That’s it.

Once the TrainLoop with all the necessary components has been created all that’s left is to start training the model. Common to all the available TrainLoops is the fit() method which initiates the training process. The fit() method will train the provided model on the given training dataset in the training dataloader for the specified number of epochs.


In order to use the aitoolbox.torchtrain.train_loop the user has to define their models as a aitoolbox.torchtrain.model.TTModel which is a slightly modified AIToolbox specific variation of the core PyTorch torch.nn.Module. Please have a look at the TTModel section of the documentation in order to learn how to define your TTModels compatible with TrainLoop supported training.

TrainLoop Variations

aitoolbox.torchtrain.train_loop module consists of submodules train_loop and train_loop_tracking which implement four different TrainLoop variations:

The above listed TrainLoop options can be distinguished based on the varying extent of the automatic experiment tracking they do on top of the core training loop functionality. The available TrainLoops follow this naming convention:

  • name includes Checkpoint keyword: the TrainLoop will automatically save the model after each training epoch

  • name includes EndSave keyword: the TrainLoop will automatically evaluate final model performance and save the final model at the end of the training


The simplest TrainLoop version which only performs the model training and does no experiment tracking and performance evaluation.

The API can be found in: TrainLoop.

Example of the TrainLoop used to train the model:

from aitoolbox.torchtrain.train_loop import *

model = CNNModel()  # TTModel based neural model
train_loader = DataLoader(...)
val_loader = DataLoader(...)
test_loader = None

optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.001, betas=(0.9, 0.999))
criterion = nn.NLLLoss()

tl = TrainLoop(
    train_loader, val_loader, test_loader,
    optimizer, criterion

model =


Same training process as in TrainLoop with additional automatic model checkpointing (saving) after every epoch. Model saving can be done only to the local disk or also to the cloud storage such as AWS S3.

The API can be found in: TrainLoopCheckpoint.

from aitoolbox.torchtrain.train_loop import *
from aitoolbox.experiment.result_package.basic_packages import ClassificationResultPackage

hyperparams = {
    'lr': 0.001,
    'betas': (0.9, 0.999)

model = CNNModel()  # TTModel based neural model
train_loader = DataLoader(...)
val_loader = DataLoader(...)
test_loader = DataLoader(...)

optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=hyperparams['lr'], betas=hyperparams['betas'])
criterion = nn.NLLLoss()

tl = TrainLoopCheckpoint(
    train_loader, val_loader, test_loader,
    optimizer, criterion,
    project_name='train_loop_examples', experiment_name='TrainLoopCheckpoint_example',
    cloud_save_mode='s3', bucket_name='cloud_results'  # bucket_name should be set to the bucket on your S3

model =


Same training process as in TrainLoop with additional automatic model checkpointing (saving) and model performance evaluation at the end of the training process. This way the TrainLoop ensures experiment tracking a the end of the training. Model and experiment results saving can be done only to the local disk or also to the cloud storage such as AWS S3.

The API can be found in: TrainLoopEndSave.

For information about the ResultPackage used in this example, have a look at the Result Package section.

from aitoolbox.torchtrain.train_loop import *
from aitoolbox.experiment.result_package.basic_packages import ClassificationResultPackage

hyperparams = {
    'lr': 0.001,
    'betas': (0.9, 0.999)

model = CNNModel()  # TTModel based neural model
train_loader = DataLoader(...)
val_loader = DataLoader(...)
test_loader = DataLoader(...)

optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=hyperparams['lr'], betas=hyperparams['betas'])
criterion = nn.NLLLoss()

tl = TrainLoopEndSave(
    train_loader, val_loader, test_loader,
    optimizer, criterion,
    project_name='train_loop_examples', experiment_name='TrainLoopEndSave_example',
    cloud_save_mode='s3', bucket_name='cloud_results'  # bucket_name should be set to the bucket on your S3

model =


For the most complete experiment tracking it is recommended to use the this TrainLoop option. At its core it is the same training process as in TrainLoop with additional automatic model checkpointing (saving) after each epoch as well as automatic model checkpointing and model performance evaluation at the end of the training process. This way the TrainLoop ensures full experiment tracking with the maximum extent. Model and experiment results saving can be done only to the local disk or also to the cloud storage such as AWS S3.

The API can be found in: TrainLoopCheckpointEndSave.

For information about the ResultPackage used in this example, have a look at the Result Package section.

For a full working example of the TrainLoopCheckpointEndSave training, check out this TrainLoopCheckpointEndSave example training script.

from aitoolbox.torchtrain.train_loop import *
from aitoolbox.experiment.result_package.basic_packages import ClassificationResultPackage

hyperparams = {
    'lr': 0.001,
    'betas': (0.9, 0.999)

model = CNNModel()  # TTModel based neural model
train_loader = DataLoader(...)
val_loader = DataLoader(...)
test_loader = DataLoader(...)

optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=hyperparams['lr'], betas=hyperparams['betas'])
criterion = nn.NLLLoss()

tl = TrainLoopCheckpointEndSave(
    train_loader, val_loader, test_loader,
    optimizer, criterion,
    project_name='train_loop_examples', experiment_name='TrainLoopCheckpointEndSave_example',
    cloud_save_mode='s3', bucket_name='cloud_results'  # bucket_name should be set to the bucket on your S3

model =