Source code for aitoolbox.torchtrain.callbacks.wandb

import os
from dataclasses import dataclass

import wandb

from aitoolbox.torchtrain.callbacks.abstract import AbstractExperimentCallback
from aitoolbox.torchtrain.multi_loss_optim import MultiLoss
from aitoolbox.experiment.local_save.folder_create import ExperimentFolder as FolderCreator

[docs]@dataclass class AlertConfig: metric_name: str threshold_value: float objective: str = "maximize" wandb_alert_level: wandb.AlertLevel = None
[docs]class WandBTracking(AbstractExperimentCallback): def __init__(self, metric_names=None, batch_log_frequency=None, hyperparams=None, tags=None, alerts=None, wandb_pre_initialized=False, source_dirs=(), log_dir=None, is_project=True, project_name=None, experiment_name=None, local_model_result_folder_path=None, **kwargs): """Weights And Biases Logger Find more on: Note: Before this callback can be used you need to have wandb account and be credentialed on the machine. Instructions for this process can be found on wandb GitHub: Args: metric_names (list or None): list of metric names tracked in the training history. If left to ``None``, all the metrics in the training history will be logged. batch_log_frequency (int or None): frequency of logging. If set to None batch level logging is skipped. Instead of also mid-epoch logging only end-of-epoch logging is executed. hyperparams (dict or None): dictionary of used hyperparameters. If set to None the callback tries to find the hyperparameter dict in the encapsulating TrainLoop running the callback. tags (list or None): used for wandb init. From wandb documentation: A list of strings, which will populate the list of tags on this run in the UI. Tags are useful for organizing runs together, or applying temporary labels like "baseline" or "production". It's easy to add and remove tags in the UI, or filter down to just runs with a specific tag. alerts (list[AlertConfig] or None): list of alerts where each alert configuration is specified as an AlertConfig dataclass. User should provide the ``metric_name`` based on which the alert should be triggered. The last calculated value of the metric is then compared with the provided ``threshold_value``. The ``objective`` can be either "maximize" or "minimize". wandb_pre_initialized (bool): if wandb has been initialized already outside the callback (e.g. at the start of the experiment script). If not, the callback initializes the wandb process. source_dirs (tuple or list): list of source code directories which will be stored by wandb. If empty list is given the callback will try to get this information from the running TrainLoop. If this is also not available the callback leaves wandb default code saving operation which saves the execution python script. log_dir (str or None): save directory location is_project (bool): set to ``True`` if the wandb project folder should be placed into the TrainLoop-created project folder structure or to ``False`` if you want to save into a specific full path given in the log_dir parameter. project_name (str or None): root name of the project experiment_name (str or None): name of the particular experiment local_model_result_folder_path (str or None): root local path where project folder will be created **kwargs: additional arguments for ``wandb.init()`` wrapped inside this callback """ AbstractExperimentCallback.__init__(self, 'WeightsAndBiases Experiment Tracking', project_name, experiment_name, local_model_result_folder_path, execution_order=97, device_idx_execution=0) self.metric_names = metric_names self.batch_log_frequency = batch_log_frequency self.hyperparams = hyperparams self.tags = tags self.alerts = alerts self.check_alerts() self.wandb_pre_initialized = wandb_pre_initialized self.source_dirs = source_dirs self.wandb_params_kwargs = kwargs self.log_dir = log_dir if log_dir is None else os.path.expanduser(log_dir) self.is_project = is_project
[docs] def on_epoch_end(self): metric_names = self.metric_names if self.metric_names is not None else self.train_loop_obj.train_history.keys() metrics_log = self.log_train_history_metrics(metric_names) if self.alerts is not None: self.send_configured_alerts(self.alerts, metrics_log)
[docs] def on_batch_end(self): if self.batch_log_frequency is not None and \ self.train_loop_obj.total_iteration_idx % self.batch_log_frequency == 0: self.log_mid_train_loss()
[docs] def log_mid_train_loss(self): """Log the training loss at the batch iteration level Logs current batch loss and the accumulated average loss. Returns: None """ last_batch_loss = self.train_loop_obj.parse_loss(self.train_loop_obj.loss_batch_accum[-1:]) accum_mean_batch_loss = self.train_loop_obj.parse_loss(self.train_loop_obj.loss_batch_accum) if not isinstance(last_batch_loss, MultiLoss) and not isinstance(accum_mean_batch_loss, MultiLoss): last_batch_loss = {'loss': last_batch_loss} accum_mean_batch_loss = {'loss': accum_mean_batch_loss} assert sorted(last_batch_loss.keys()) == sorted(accum_mean_batch_loss.keys()) loss_logging = {} for loss_name in last_batch_loss.keys(): loss_logging[f'train_loss/last_batch_{loss_name}'] = last_batch_loss[loss_name] loss_logging[f'train_loss/accumulated_batch_{loss_name}'] = accum_mean_batch_loss[loss_name], step=self.train_loop_obj.total_iteration_idx)
[docs] def log_train_history_metrics(self, metric_names): """Log the train history metrics at the end of the epoch Args: metric_names (list): list of train history tracked metrics to be logged Returns: None """ metrics_log = {'epoch': self.train_loop_obj.epoch} for metric_name in metric_names: prefix_name = 'metrics' if 'loss' in metric_name: prefix_name = 'loss_at_epoch_end' metric_results = self.train_loop_obj.train_history[metric_name] if len(metric_results) > 0: metrics_log[f'{prefix_name}/{metric_name}'] = metric_results[-1], step=self.train_loop_obj.total_iteration_idx, commit=True) return metrics_log
[docs] @staticmethod def send_configured_alerts(alerts, metrics_log): """Send wandb alerts Sending of alerts depends on current metric values in the ``metrics_log`` satisfying the conditions specified in the alert configuration. Args: alerts (list[AlertConfig]): list of alerts where each alert configuration is specified as an AlertConfig dataclass. User should provide the ``metric_name`` based on which the alert should be triggered. The last calculated value of the metric is then compared with the provided ``threshold_value``. The ``objective`` can be either "maximize" or "minimize". metrics_log (dict): dict of metrics names and their corresponding current values. Returns: None """ for alert_config in alerts: metric_result = metrics_log[alert_config.metric_name] if alert_config.objective == 'maximize' and metric_result < alert_config.threshold_value: wandb.alert( title=f"{alert_config.metric_name} is too low", text=f"Metric {alert_config.metric_name} is currently at {metric_result} " f"which is below the specified threshold of {alert_config.threshold_value}.", level=alert_config.wandb_alert_level ) elif alert_config.objective == 'minimize' and metric_result > alert_config.threshold_value: wandb.alert( title=f"{alert_config.metric_name} is too high", text=f"Metric {alert_config.metric_name} is currently at {metric_result} " f"which is above the specified threshold of {alert_config.threshold_value}.", level=alert_config.wandb_alert_level )
[docs] def on_train_loop_registration(self): self.try_infer_experiment_details(infer_cloud_details=False) self.try_infer_additional_logging_details() if not self.wandb_pre_initialized: if self.is_project: self.log_dir = FolderCreator.create_base_folder( self.project_name, self.experiment_name, self.train_loop_obj.experiment_timestamp, self.local_model_result_folder_path ) wandb.init( project=self.project_name, name=self.experiment_name, config=self.hyperparams, tags=self.tags, save_code=True, dir=self.log_dir, **self.wandb_params_kwargs ) for source_code_path in self.source_dirs: source_code_path, name=os.path.basename(source_code_path), include_fn=lambda _: True )
[docs] def try_infer_additional_logging_details(self): try: if self.hyperparams is None: self.hyperparams = self.train_loop_obj.hyperparams if len(self.source_dirs) == 0 and self.is_project: self.source_dirs = \ [self.train_loop_obj.hyperparams['experiment_file_path']] + list(self.train_loop_obj.source_dirs) except AttributeError: raise AttributeError('Hyperparameters dict and/or source_dirs list not provided to the WandBTracking ' 'callback. It also was not possible to retrieve it from the experiment tracking ' 'TrainLoop. Possible reason is the use of the basic TrainLoop.') except KeyError: raise KeyError("'experiment_file_path' not in the TrainingLoop hyperparams dict. If you want to log only " "the single execution python file and don't want to specify it manually consider switching " "'is_project' parameter to False.")
[docs] def check_alerts(self): if self.alerts is not None: for alert in self.alerts: if not isinstance(alert, AlertConfig): raise TypeError("Alerts should be instances of AlertConfig dataclass.") if alert.objective not in ['maximize', 'minimize']: raise ValueError("Alert objective can only be 'maximize' or 'minimize'. " f"Alert {alert} has objective set to: {alert.objective}.")