Source code for aitoolbox.torchtrain.callbacks.basic

import os
import numpy as np

from aitoolbox.torchtrain.callbacks.abstract import AbstractCallback, AbstractExperimentCallback
from aitoolbox.utils import util
from import SESSender
from import BaseResultsSaver
from import BaseResultsGoogleStorageSaver
from import s3_available_options, gcs_available_options

[docs]class ListRegisteredCallbacks(AbstractCallback): def __init__(self): """List all the callbacks which are used in the current TrainLoop """ AbstractCallback.__init__(self, 'Print the list of registered callbacks')
[docs] def on_train_begin(self): self.train_loop_obj.callbacks_handler.print_registered_callback_names()
[docs]class EarlyStopping(AbstractCallback): def __init__(self, monitor='val_loss', min_delta=0., patience=0): """Early stopping of the training if the performance stops improving Args: monitor (str): performance measure that is tracked to decide if performance is improving during training min_delta (float): by how much the performance has to improve to still keep training the model patience (int): how many epochs the early stopper waits after the performance stopped improving """ # execution_order=99 makes sure that any performance calculation callbacks are executed before and the most # recent results can already be found in the train_history AbstractCallback.__init__(self, 'EarlyStopping', execution_order=99) self.monitor = monitor self.min_delta = min_delta self.patience = patience self.patience_count = self.patience self.best_performance = None self.best_epoch = 0
[docs] def on_epoch_end(self): history_data = self.train_loop_obj.train_history[self.monitor] current_performance = history_data[-1] if self.best_performance is None: self.best_performance = current_performance self.best_epoch = self.train_loop_obj.epoch else: if 'loss' in self.monitor.lower() or 'error' in self.monitor.lower(): if current_performance < self.best_performance - self.min_delta: self.best_performance = current_performance self.best_epoch = self.train_loop_obj.epoch self.patience_count = self.patience else: self.patience_count -= 1 else: if current_performance > self.best_performance + self.min_delta: self.best_performance = current_performance self.best_epoch = self.train_loop_obj.epoch self.patience_count = self.patience else: self.patience_count -= 1 if self.patience_count < 0: self.train_loop_obj.early_stop = True print(f'Early stopping at epoch: {self.train_loop_obj.epoch}. Best recorded epoch: {self.best_epoch}.')
[docs]class ThresholdEarlyStopping(AbstractCallback): def __init__(self, monitor, threshold, patience=0): """Early stopping of the training if the performance doesn't reach the specified threshold Args: monitor (str): performance measure that is tracked to decide if performance reached the desired threshold threshold (float): performance threshold that needs to be exceeded in order to continue training patience (int): how many epochs the early stopper waits for the tracked performance to reach the desired threshold """ AbstractCallback.__init__(self, 'Threshold early stopping', execution_order=99) self.monitor = monitor self.threshold = threshold self.patience = patience self.patience_count = self.patience
[docs] def on_epoch_end(self): history_data = self.train_loop_obj.train_history[self.monitor] current_performance = history_data[-1] if 'loss' in self.monitor.lower() or 'error' in self.monitor.lower(): if current_performance > self.threshold: self.patience_count -= 1 else: self.patience_count = self.patience else: if current_performance < self.threshold: self.patience_count -= 1 else: self.patience_count = self.patience if self.patience_count < 0: self.train_loop_obj.early_stop = True print('Threshold performance not reached. ' f'Early stopping at epoch: {self.train_loop_obj.epoch}.')
[docs]class TerminateOnNaN(AbstractCallback): def __init__(self, monitor='loss'): """Terminate training if NaNs are predicted, thus metrics are NaN Args: monitor (str): performance measure that is tracked to decide if performance is improving during training """ AbstractCallback.__init__(self, 'TerminateOnNaN', execution_order=98) self.monitor = monitor
[docs] def on_epoch_end(self): last_measure = self.train_loop_obj.train_history[self.monitor][-1] if last_measure is not None: if np.isnan(last_measure) or np.isinf(last_measure): self.train_loop_obj.early_stop = True print(f'Terminating on {self.monitor} = {last_measure} at epoch: {self.train_loop_obj.epoch}.')
[docs]class AllPredictionsSame(AbstractCallback): def __init__(self, value=0., stop_training=False, verbose=True): """Checks if all the predicted values are the same Useful for example when dealing with extremely unbalanced classes. Args: value (float): all predictions are the same as this value stop_training (bool): if all predictions match the specified value, should the training be (early) stopped verbose (bool): output messages """ AbstractCallback.__init__(self, 'All predictions have the same value') self.value = value self.stop_training = stop_training self.verbose = verbose
[docs] def on_epoch_end(self): predictions, _, _ = self.train_loop_obj.predict_on_validation_set() all_values_same = all(el == self.value for el in predictions) if all_values_same: if self.verbose: print(f'All the predicted values are of the same value: {self.value}') if self.stop_training: print('Executing early stopping') self.train_loop_obj.early_stop = True
[docs]class EmailNotification(AbstractCallback): def __init__(self, sender_name, sender_email, recipient_email, project_name=None, experiment_name=None, aws_region='eu-west-1'): """Notify user via email about the training progression Args: sender_name (str): Name of the email sender sender_email (str): Email of the email sender recipient_email (str): Email where the email will be sent project_name (str or None): root name of the project experiment_name (str or None): name of the particular experiment aws_region (str): AWS SES region """ AbstractCallback.__init__(self, 'Send email to notify about the state of training', execution_order=98, device_idx_execution=0) self.project_name = project_name self.experiment_name = experiment_name self.ses_sender = None self.sender_name = sender_name self.sender_email = sender_email self.recipient_email = recipient_email self.aws_region = aws_region
[docs] def on_epoch_end(self): subject = f"End of epoch {self.train_loop_obj.epoch} report: {self.project_name}: {self.experiment_name}" performance_list = self.get_metric_list_html() plot_msgs = self.message_service.read_messages('ModelTrainHistoryPlot_results_file_local_paths') plots_file_paths = plot_msgs if plot_msgs is not None else [] file_writer_msgs = self.message_service.read_messages('ModelTrainHistoryFileWriter_results_file_local_paths') plots_file_paths += file_writer_msgs if file_writer_msgs is not None else [] plots_file_paths = util.flatten_list_of_lists(plots_file_paths) body_text = f"""<h2>End of epoch {self.train_loop_obj.epoch}</h2> {performance_list} """ self.ses_sender.send_email(subject, body_text, plots_file_paths)
[docs] def on_train_end(self): subject = f"End of training: {self.project_name}: {self.experiment_name}" performance_list = self.get_metric_list_html() hyperparams = self.get_hyperparams_html() plot_msgs = self.message_service.read_messages('ModelTrainHistoryPlot_results_file_local_paths') plots_file_paths = plot_msgs if plot_msgs is not None else [] file_writer_msgs = self.message_service.read_messages('ModelTrainHistoryFileWriter_results_file_local_paths') plots_file_paths += file_writer_msgs if file_writer_msgs is not None else [] plots_file_paths = util.flatten_list_of_lists(plots_file_paths) body_text = f"""<h2>End of training at epoch {self.train_loop_obj.epoch}</h2> {performance_list} <h3>Used hyper parameters:</h3> {hyperparams} """ self.ses_sender.send_email(subject, body_text, plots_file_paths)
[docs] def get_metric_list_html(self): """Generate performance metrics list HTML Returns: str: HTML doc """ performance_list = '<ul>' + \ '\n'.join([f'<li><p>{metric_name}: {hist[-1]}</p></li>' for metric_name, hist in self.train_loop_obj.train_history.items() if len(hist) > 0]) + \ '</ul>' return performance_list
[docs] def get_hyperparams_html(self): """Generate hyperparameters list HTML Returns: str: HTML doc """ hyperparams = '<ul>' + \ '\n'.join([f'<li><p>{param_name}: {val}</p></li>' for param_name, val in self.train_loop_obj.hyperparams.items()]) + \ '</ul>' \ if hasattr(self.train_loop_obj, 'hyperparams') else 'Not given' return hyperparams
[docs] def on_train_loop_registration(self): try: if self.project_name is None: self.project_name = self.train_loop_obj.project_name if self.experiment_name is None: self.experiment_name = self.train_loop_obj.experiment_name except AttributeError: raise AttributeError('Currently used TrainLoop does not support automatic project folder structure ' 'creation. Project name, etc. thus can not be automatically deduced. Please provide' 'it in the callback parameters instead of currently used None values.') self.ses_sender = SESSender(self.sender_name, self.sender_email, self.recipient_email, self.aws_region)
[docs]class LogUpload(AbstractExperimentCallback): def __init__(self, log_file_path='~/project/training.log', fail_if_cloud_missing=True, project_name=None, experiment_name=None, local_model_result_folder_path=None, cloud_save_mode=None, bucket_name=None, cloud_dir_prefix=None): """Upload logging file to the cloud storage Uploading happens after each epoch and at the end of the training process. Args: log_file_path (str): path to the local logging file fail_if_cloud_missing (bool): should throw the exception if cloud saving is not available project_name (str or None): root name of the project experiment_name (str or None): name of the particular experiment local_model_result_folder_path (str or None): root local path where project folder will be created cloud_save_mode (str or None): Storage destination selector. For AWS S3: 's3' / 'aws_s3' / 'aws' For Google Cloud Storage: 'gcs' / 'google_storage' / 'google storage' Everything else results just in local storage to disk bucket_name (str): name of the bucket in the cloud storage cloud_dir_prefix (str): path to the folder inside the bucket where the experiments are going to be saved """ AbstractExperimentCallback.__init__(self, "Upload Tmux logging file to cloud", project_name, experiment_name, local_model_result_folder_path, cloud_save_mode, bucket_name, cloud_dir_prefix, execution_order=1500, device_idx_execution=0) self.log_file_path = os.path.expanduser(log_file_path) self.log_filename = os.path.basename(self.log_file_path) self.fail_if_cloud_missing = fail_if_cloud_missing self.cloud_saver = None
[docs] def on_train_loop_registration(self): self.try_infer_experiment_details(infer_cloud_details=True) if self.cloud_save_mode in s3_available_options: self.cloud_saver = BaseResultsSaver(bucket_name=self.bucket_name, cloud_dir_prefix=self.cloud_dir_prefix) elif self.cloud_save_mode in gcs_available_options: self.cloud_saver = BaseResultsGoogleStorageSaver(bucket_name=self.bucket_name, cloud_dir_prefix=self.cloud_dir_prefix) else: if self.fail_if_cloud_missing: raise ValueError("Cloud saving not supported. Produced logs can potentially get los in the case of " "instance termination.") print("Cloud saving not supported. Produced logs can potentially get lost.")
[docs] def on_epoch_end(self): self.upload_log_file()
[docs] def on_train_end(self): self.upload_log_file()
[docs] def upload_log_file(self): experiment_results_cloud_path = \ self.cloud_saver.create_experiment_cloud_storage_folder_structure(self.project_name, self.experiment_name, self.train_loop_obj.experiment_timestamp) experiment_cloud_path = os.path.dirname(experiment_results_cloud_path) self.cloud_saver.save_file(local_file_path=self.log_file_path, cloud_file_path=os.path.join(experiment_cloud_path, self.log_filename))
[docs]class DataSubsetTestRun(AbstractCallback): def __init__(self, num_train_batches=1, num_val_batches=0, num_test_batches=0): """Subset the provided data loaders to execute neural net only on a small dataset subset This is especially useful when first developing the neural architectures and debugging them. Subsetting the full dataset helps with fast development iterations. Args: num_train_batches (int): number of the training data batches that are kept in the training dataset num_val_batches (int): number of the validation data batches that are kept in the validation dataset num_test_batches (int): number of the test data batches that are kept in the test dataset """ AbstractCallback.__init__(self, 'Run model on a small subset of the training dataset') self.num_train_batches = num_train_batches self.num_val_batches = num_val_batches self.num_test_batches = num_test_batches
[docs] def on_train_begin(self): self.train_loop_obj.train_loader = self.subset_data_loader(self.train_loop_obj.train_loader, self.num_train_batches) if self.num_val_batches > 0: self.train_loop_obj.validation_loader = self.subset_data_loader(self.train_loop_obj.validation_loader, self.num_val_batches) if self.num_test_batches > 0: self.train_loop_obj.test_loader = self.subset_data_loader(self.train_loop_obj.test_loader, self.num_test_batches)
[docs] @staticmethod def subset_data_loader(data_loader, num_batches): sub_set = [] for i, batch in enumerate(data_loader): sub_set.append(batch) if i == num_batches - 1: break return sub_set
[docs] def on_train_loop_registration(self): if self.num_val_batches > 0 and self.train_loop_obj.validation_loader is None: raise ValueError("Validation loader was not provided to the TrainLoop, can't subset it") if self.num_test_batches > 0 and self.train_loop_obj.test_loader is None: raise ValueError("Test loader was not provided to the TrainLoop, can't subset it")
[docs]class FunctionOnTrainLoop(AbstractCallback): def __init__(self, fn_to_execute, tl_registration=False, epoch_begin=False, epoch_end=False, train_begin=False, train_end=False, batch_begin=False, batch_end=False, after_gradient_update=False, after_optimizer_step=False, execution_order=0, device_idx_execution=None): """Execute given function as a callback in the TrainLoop Args: fn_to_execute (function): function logic to be executed at the desired point of the TrainLoop. The function should take a single input as an argument which is the reference to the encapsulating TrainLoop object (self.train_loop_obj). tl_registration (bool): should execute on TrainLoop registration epoch_begin (bool): should execute at the beginning of the epoch epoch_end (bool): should execute at the end of the epoch train_begin (bool): should execute at the beginning of the training train_end (bool): should execute at the end of the training batch_begin (bool): should execute at the beginning of the batch batch_end (bool): should execute at the end of the batch after_gradient_update (bool): should execute after the gradient update after_optimizer_step (bool): should execute after the optimizer step execution_order (int): order of the callback execution. If all the used callbacks have the orders set to 0, then the callbacks are executed in the order they were registered. """ AbstractCallback.__init__(self, 'Execute given function as a callback', execution_order, device_idx_execution) self.fn_to_execute = fn_to_execute self.tl_registration = tl_registration self.epoch_begin = epoch_begin self.epoch_end = epoch_end self.train_begin = train_begin self.train_end = train_end self.batch_begin = batch_begin self.batch_end = batch_end self.after_gradient_update = after_gradient_update self.after_optimizer_step = after_optimizer_step
[docs] def execute_callback(self): self.fn_to_execute(self.train_loop_obj)
[docs] def on_train_loop_registration(self): if self.after_gradient_update or self.after_optimizer_step: self.train_loop_obj.grad_cb_used = True if self.tl_registration: self.execute_callback()
[docs] def on_epoch_begin(self): if self.epoch_begin: self.execute_callback()
[docs] def on_epoch_end(self): if self.epoch_end: self.execute_callback()
[docs] def on_train_begin(self): if self.train_begin: self.execute_callback()
[docs] def on_train_end(self): if self.train_end: self.execute_callback()
[docs] def on_batch_begin(self): if self.batch_begin: self.execute_callback()
[docs] def on_batch_end(self): if self.batch_end: self.execute_callback()
[docs] def on_after_gradient_update(self, optimizer_idx): if self.after_gradient_update: self.execute_callback()
[docs] def on_after_optimizer_step(self): if self.after_optimizer_step: self.execute_callback()