Source code for aitoolbox.experiment.training_history

import copy
from aitoolbox.utils import dict_util

[docs]class TrainingHistory: def __init__(self, has_validation=True, strict_content_check=False): """Training history abstraction adding specific functionality to the simple dict In many ways the object can be used with the same API as a normal python dict. However, for the need of tracking performance in the TrainLoop TrainingHistory offers additional functions handling the input, output and quality assurance of the stored results. Args: has_validation: if train history should by default include 'val_loss'. This is needed when train loops by default evaluate loss on validation set when such a set is available. strict_content_check (bool): should just print warning or raise the error and crash in case of found (quality) problems """ self.train_history = {'loss': [], 'accumulated_loss': [], 'val_loss': []} if has_validation \ else {'loss': [], 'accumulated_loss': []} self.strict_content_check = strict_content_check self.empty_train_history = {'loss': [], 'accumulated_loss': [], 'val_loss': []} if has_validation \ else {'loss': [], 'accumulated_loss': []}
[docs] def insert_single_result_into_history(self, metric_name, metric_result): """Insert a key-value formatted result into the training history Args: metric_name (str): name of the metric to be stored. metric_result (float or dict): metric performance result to be stored. """ if metric_name not in self.train_history: self.train_history[metric_name] = [] self.train_history[metric_name].append(metric_result)
[docs] def get_train_history(self): """Returns the whole train history dict in its original form without any transformations Returns: dict: training history dict """ return self.train_history
[docs] def get_train_history_dict(self, flatten_dict=False): """Returns QA-ed and optionally flattened training history dict Args: flatten_dict (bool): should the returned training history dict be flattened. So no nested dicts of dicts. The keys of the nested dicts will we "_" concatenated and moved into the single level dict. Returns: dict: training history dict """ if self.train_history == self.empty_train_history: self.warn_about_result_data_problem('Train History dict is empty') return dict_util.flatten_combine_dict(self.train_history) if flatten_dict else self.train_history
[docs] def wrap_pre_prepared_history(self, history): """Wrap existing history dict into the TrainingHistory object Args: history (dict): training history base dict Returns: TrainingHistory: self Examples: Expected history dict to be wrapped: .. code-block:: python history = { 'val_loss': [2.2513437271118164, 2.1482439041137695, 2.0187528133392334, 1.7953970432281494, 1.5492324829101562, 1.715561032295227, 1.631982684135437, 1.3721977472305298, 1.039527416229248, 0.9796673059463501], 'val_acc': [0.25999999046325684, 0.36000001430511475, 0.5, 0.5400000214576721, 0.5400000214576721, 0.5799999833106995, 0.46000000834465027, 0.699999988079071, 0.7599999904632568, 0.7200000286102295], 'loss': [2.3088033199310303, 2.2141530513763428, 2.113713264465332, 1.912109375, 1.666761875152588, 1.460097312927246, 1.6031768321990967, 1.534214973449707, 1.1710081100463867, 0.8969314098358154], 'acc': [0.07999999821186066, 0.33000001311302185, 0.3100000023841858, 0.5299999713897705, 0.5799999833106995, 0.6200000047683716, 0.4300000071525574, 0.5099999904632568, 0.6700000166893005, 0.7599999904632568] } """ self.train_history = history return self
[docs] def qa_check_history_records(self): """Quality check history Returns: None """ accepted_len = self.train_history[list(self.train_history.keys())[0]] for k in self.train_history: if len(self.train_history[k]) != accepted_len: self.warn_about_result_data_problem( f'Warning: Train history records not of the same size. Problem with: {k}')
[docs] def warn_about_result_data_problem(self, msg): if self.strict_content_check: raise ValueError(msg) else: print(msg)
def __str__(self): return f'{self.train_history}' def __len__(self): return len(self.train_history) def __getitem__(self, item): return self.train_history[item] def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.insert_single_result_into_history(key, value) def __contains__(self, item): return item in self.train_history def __iter__(self): for k in self.train_history: yield k
[docs] def keys(self): return self.train_history.keys()
[docs] def items(self): return self.train_history.items()
def __add__(self, other): self_copy = copy.deepcopy(self) self_copy.add_history_dict(other) return self_copy def __radd__(self, other): self_copy = copy.deepcopy(self) self_copy.add_history_dict(other) return self_copy def __iadd__(self, other): self.add_history_dict(other) return self
[docs] def add_history_dict(self, other): """Add another training history dict to this training history Args: other (dict): another training history dict Returns: None """ if type(other) is not dict: raise TypeError(f'Other should be dict. Provided: {type(other)}') for k, v in other.items(): self.insert_single_result_into_history(k, v)