Source code for aitoolbox.experiment.local_save.local_model_save

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import os
import time
import datetime

from aitoolbox.experiment.local_save.folder_create import ExperimentFolder

[docs]class AbstractLocalModelSaver(ABC):
[docs] @abstractmethod def save_model(self, model, project_name, experiment_name, experiment_timestamp=None, epoch=None, iteration_idx=None, protect_existing_folder=True): """Model saving method which all the model savers have to implement to give an expected API to other components Args: model (keras.Model or dict): model representation. If used with PyTorch it is a simple dict under the hood. In the case of Keras training this would be the keras Model. project_name (str): root name of the project experiment_name (str): name of the particular experiment experiment_timestamp (str or None): time stamp at the start of training epoch (int or None): in which epoch the model is being saved iteration_idx (int or None): at which training iteration the model is being saved protect_existing_folder (bool): can override potentially already existing folder or not Returns: (str, str): model_name, model_local_path """ pass
[docs]class BaseLocalModelSaver: def __init__(self, local_model_result_folder_path='~/project/model_result', checkpoint_model=False): """Base functionality for all the local model savers Args: local_model_result_folder_path (str): root local path where project folder will be created checkpoint_model (bool): if the model is coming from the mid-training checkpoint """ self.local_model_result_folder_path = os.path.expanduser(local_model_result_folder_path) self.checkpoint_model = checkpoint_model
[docs] def create_experiment_local_models_folder(self, project_name, experiment_name, experiment_timestamp): """Creates experiment local folder hierarchy and place the 'models' folder in it Args: project_name (str): root name of the project experiment_name (str): name of the particular experiment experiment_timestamp (str): time stamp at the start of training Returns: str: path to the created models folder in the experiment base folder """ experiment_path = ExperimentFolder.create_base_folder(project_name, experiment_name, experiment_timestamp, self.local_model_result_folder_path) experiment_model_path = os.path.join(experiment_path, 'model' if not self.checkpoint_model else 'checkpoint_model') if not os.path.exists(experiment_model_path): os.mkdir(experiment_model_path) return experiment_model_path
[docs]class PyTorchLocalModelSaver(AbstractLocalModelSaver, BaseLocalModelSaver): def __init__(self, local_model_result_folder_path='~/project/model_result', checkpoint_model=False): """PyTorch experiment local model saver Args: local_model_result_folder_path (str): root local path where project folder will be created checkpoint_model (bool): if the model is coming from the mid-training checkpoint """ BaseLocalModelSaver.__init__(self, local_model_result_folder_path, checkpoint_model)
[docs] def save_model(self, model, project_name, experiment_name, experiment_timestamp=None, epoch=None, iteration_idx=None, protect_existing_folder=True): """Save the PyTorch model representation dict to the local drive Args: model (dict): PyTorch model represented as a dict of weights, optimizer state and other necessary info. project_name (str): root name of the project experiment_name (str): name of the particular experiment experiment_timestamp (str or None): time stamp at the start of training epoch (int or None): in which epoch the model is being saved iteration_idx (int or None): at which training iteration the model is being saved protect_existing_folder (bool): can override potentially already existing folder or not Returns: (str, str): model_name, model_local_path """ self.check_model_dict_contents(model) if experiment_timestamp is None: experiment_timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S') experiment_model_local_path = self.create_experiment_local_models_folder(project_name, experiment_name, experiment_timestamp) iteration_suffix = f'_ITER{iteration_idx}' if iteration_idx is not None else '' if epoch is None: model_name = f'model_{experiment_name}_{experiment_timestamp}.pth' else: model_name = f'model_{experiment_name}_{experiment_timestamp}_E{epoch}{iteration_suffix}.pth' model_local_path = os.path.join(experiment_model_local_path, model_name) import torch, model_local_path) return model_name, model_local_path
[docs] @staticmethod def check_model_dict_contents(model): """Check if PyTorch model save dict contains all the necessary elements for the training state reconstruction Args: model (dict): PyTorch model represented as a dict of weights, optimizer state and other necessary info. Raises: ValueError Returns: None """ for required_element in ['model_state_dict', 'optimizer_state_dict', 'epoch', 'hyperparams']: if required_element not in model: raise ValueError(f'Required element of the model dict {required_element} is missing. Given model' f'dict has the following elements: {model.keys()}')
[docs]class KerasLocalModelSaver(AbstractLocalModelSaver, BaseLocalModelSaver): def __init__(self, local_model_result_folder_path='~/project/model_result', checkpoint_model=False): """Keras experiment local model saver Args: local_model_result_folder_path (str): root local path where project folder will be created checkpoint_model (bool): if the model is coming from the mid-training checkpoint """ BaseLocalModelSaver.__init__(self, local_model_result_folder_path, checkpoint_model)
[docs] def save_model(self, model, project_name, experiment_name, experiment_timestamp=None, epoch=None, iteration_idx=None, protect_existing_folder=True): """Save the Keras model to the local drive Args: model (keras.Model): Keras model project_name (str): root name of the project experiment_name (str): name of the particular experiment experiment_timestamp (str or None): time stamp at the start of training epoch (int or None): in which epoch the model is being saved iteration_idx (int or None): at which training iteration the model is being saved protect_existing_folder (bool): can override potentially already existing folder or not Returns: (str, str): model_name, model_local_path """ if experiment_timestamp is None: experiment_timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S') experiment_model_local_path = self.create_experiment_local_models_folder(project_name, experiment_name, experiment_timestamp) iteration_suffix = f'_ITER{iteration_idx}' if iteration_idx is not None else '' if epoch is None: model_name = f'model_{experiment_name}_{experiment_timestamp}.h5' else: model_name = f'model_{experiment_name}_{experiment_timestamp}_E{epoch}{iteration_suffix}.h5' model_local_path = os.path.join(experiment_model_local_path, model_name) return model_name, model_local_path
[docs]class LocalSubOptimalModelRemover: def __init__(self, metric_name, num_best_kept=2): """Removes the tracked saved models which become suboptimal when new models are trained in subsequent epochs Useful when interested in saving the limited local disk space, especially when dealing with large model which take a lot of disk space. Args: metric_name (str): one of the metric names that will be calculated and will appear in the train_history dict in the TrainLoop num_best_kept (int): number of best performing models which are kept when removing suboptimal model checkpoints """ self.metric_name = metric_name self.decrease_metric = 'loss' in metric_name self.num_best_kept = num_best_kept self.default_metrics_list = ['loss', 'accumulated_loss', 'val_loss'] self.is_default_metric = metric_name in self.default_metrics_list self.non_default_metric_buffer = None self.model_save_history = []
[docs] def decide_if_remove_suboptimal_model(self, history, new_model_dump_paths): """Make decision if suboptimal model should be removed due to the introduction of the new and better model Args: history (aitoolbox.experiment.training_history.TrainingHistory): training performance history new_model_dump_paths (list): new saved models paths which will begin to be tracked Returns: None """ if not self.is_default_metric: if self.non_default_metric_buffer is not None: if self.metric_name in history: self.model_save_history.append((self.non_default_metric_buffer, history[self.metric_name][-1])) else: print(f'Provided metric {self.metric_name} not found on the list of evaluated metrics: {history.keys()}') self.non_default_metric_buffer = new_model_dump_paths else: self.model_save_history.append((new_model_dump_paths, history[self.metric_name][-1])) if len(self.model_save_history) > self.num_best_kept: self.model_save_history = sorted(self.model_save_history, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=not self.decrease_metric) model_paths_to_rm, _ = self.model_save_history.pop() print(f'Removing suboptimal models. Paths to be removed: {model_paths_to_rm}') self.rm_suboptimal_model(model_paths_to_rm)
[docs] @staticmethod def rm_suboptimal_model(rm_model_paths): """Utility to remove the file Args: rm_model_paths (list): list of string paths Returns: None """ for rm_path in rm_model_paths: os.remove(rm_path)