Source code for aitoolbox.experiment.local_load.local_model_load

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import os
from collections import OrderedDict
import torch

from aitoolbox.experiment.local_save.folder_create import ExperimentFolder
from aitoolbox.torchtrain.schedulers.basic import AbstractScheduler

[docs]class AbstractLocalModelLoader(ABC):
[docs] @abstractmethod def load_model(self, project_name, experiment_name, experiment_timestamp, model_save_dir, epoch_num=None, **kwargs): """Model loading method all the model loaders need to implement Args: project_name (str): root name of the project experiment_name (str): name of the particular experiment experiment_timestamp (str): time stamp at the start of training model_save_dir (str): name of the folder inside experiment folder where the model is saved epoch_num (int or None): epoch number of the model checkpoint or none if loading final model **kwargs: additional parameters for specific framework model loader Returns: model """ pass
[docs]class PyTorchLocalModelLoader(AbstractLocalModelLoader): def __init__(self, local_model_result_folder_path): """PyTorch saved model loader and initializer Args: local_model_result_folder_path (str): root local path where project folder will be created """ self.local_model_result_folder_path = os.path.expanduser(local_model_result_folder_path) self.model_representation = None
[docs] def load_model(self, project_name, experiment_name, experiment_timestamp, model_save_dir='checkpoint_model', epoch_num=None, map_location=None): """Model loading interface compatible with the experiment folder structure maintained by the AIToolbox TrainLoop Args: project_name (str): root name of the project experiment_name (str): name of the particular experiment experiment_timestamp (str): time stamp at the start of training model_save_dir (str): name of the folder inside experiment folder where the model is saved epoch_num (int or None): epoch number of the model checkpoint or none if loading final model map_location (str or None): Returns: model """ _, experiment_dir_path = ExperimentFolder.get_base_folder_paths(project_name, experiment_name, experiment_timestamp, self.local_model_result_folder_path) if epoch_num is None: model_name = f'model_{experiment_name}_{experiment_timestamp}.pth' else: model_name = f'model_{experiment_name}_{experiment_timestamp}_E{epoch_num}.pth' model_path = os.path.join(experiment_dir_path, model_save_dir, model_name) self.model_representation = torch.load(model_path, map_location=map_location) # Fix for back-compatibility if 'schedulers_state_dict' not in self.model_representation: self.model_representation['schedulers_state_dict'] = [] return self.model_representation
[docs] def load_model_from_path(self, model_path, map_location=None): """General model loading when the AIToolbox TrainLoop experiment folder structure is not used Args: model_path (str): full path to the model map_location (str or None): a function, :class:`torch.device`, string or a dict specifying how to remap storage locations Returns: model """ self.model_representation = torch.load(model_path, map_location=map_location) return self.model_representation
[docs] def check_if_model_loaded(self): if self.model_representation is None: raise ValueError('Model has not yet been loaded. Please call load_model() first.')
[docs] def init_model(self, model, used_data_parallel=False): """Initialize provided PyTorch model with the loaded model weights For this function to work, load_model() must be first called to read the model representation into memory. Args: model (TTModel or torch.nn.Module): PyTorch model used_data_parallel (bool): if the saved model was nn.DataParallel or normal model Returns: PyTorch model """ self.check_if_model_loaded() state_dict = self.model_representation['model_state_dict'] if used_data_parallel: state_dict = OrderedDict() for k, v in self.model_representation['model_state_dict'].items(): name = k[7:] # remove `module.` state_dict[name] = v model.load_state_dict(state_dict) return model
[docs] def init_optimizer(self, optimizer, device='cuda'): """Initialize the optimizer based on saved model/optimizer checkpoint Args: optimizer: PyTorch optimizer device (str): device id Returns: PyTorch optimizer """ self.check_if_model_loaded() optimizer.load_state_dict(self.model_representation['optimizer_state_dict']) # for state in optimizer.state.values(): # for k, v in state.items(): # if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor): # state[k] = return optimizer
[docs] def init_scheduler(self, scheduler_callbacks_list, ignore_saved=False, ignore_missing_saved=False): """Initialize the list of schedulers based on saved model/optimizer/scheduler checkpoint Args: scheduler_callbacks_list (list): list of scheduler (callbacks) ignore_saved (bool): if exception should be raised in the case there are found scheduler snapshots in the checkpoint, but not schedulers are provided to this method ignore_missing_saved (bool): if exception should be raised in the case schedulers are provided to this method but no saved scheduler snapshots can be found in the checkpoint Returns: list: list of initialized scheduler (callbacks) """ self.check_if_model_loaded() loaded_schedulers = self.model_representation['schedulers_state_dict'] if len(loaded_schedulers) == 0 and len(scheduler_callbacks_list) > 0: if not ignore_missing_saved: raise KeyError('Schedulers_state_dict not found in the loaded model representation but you provided ' 'schedulers to TrainLoop.') return scheduler_callbacks_list if len(loaded_schedulers) > 0 and len(scheduler_callbacks_list) == 0: if not ignore_saved: raise ValueError('No schedulers were provided to the TrainLoop, however scheduler state_dicts were' 'found saved in the loaded model representation.') return scheduler_callbacks_list if len(scheduler_callbacks_list) != len(loaded_schedulers): raise ValueError('Number of provided schedulers does not match the number of loaded scheduler state_dicts. ' f'Number of given schedulers: {len(scheduler_callbacks_list)} and number of loaded' f"scheduler state_dicts: {len(loaded_schedulers)}") # Initialize the scheduler callbacks with the saved scheduler states for sch_cb, sch_state_dict in zip(scheduler_callbacks_list, loaded_schedulers): if not isinstance(sch_cb, AbstractScheduler): raise TypeError('Provided scheduler is not inherited from AbstractScheduler') sch_cb.load_state_dict(sch_state_dict) return scheduler_callbacks_list
[docs] def init_amp(self, amp_scaler): """Initialize AMP GradScaler Args: amp_scaler (torch.cuda.amp.GradScaler): AMP GradScaler Returns: torch.cuda.amp.GradScaler: initialized AMP GradScaler """ amp_scaler.load_state_dict(self.model_representation['amp']) return amp_scaler